Do you have the feeling that you were put on the earth to do more than fill and empty your Netflix queue? When you think of the tens of thousands of hours in your lifetime that you’re going to spend at work, do you ache for your career to be more closely aligned to your calling? Is there a social cause that inspires you or a social injustice that stirs your emotions? If so, you are a changemaker, and you’re not alone. In a recent survey, more than 50% of millennials say they would take a pay cut to find work in alignment with their values, and 90% want to use their skills for good.
So, why do so many of us not lead a life of significance? What’s standing in our way? There’s a formula here.
From Compassion to Change
Being a changemaker starts with compassion. Something stirs your emotions and you are motivated to make a difference. But, from compassion to change, there are several steps.
You may lack clarity. You need to know what to do, how to do it and when to do it.
Clarity creates confidence.
Having confidence bolsters your courage.
When you are compassionate, clear, confident and courageous, you commit.
And until you fully commit, there can be no change.
I see this all of the time with the aspiring social entrepreneurs I meet. This is what I’m here fore. I help compassionate people gain the clarity, confidence and courage they need to commit to being a changemaker.
This is Who I Am
I was recently reminded that I should not hide my qualifications under a bushel. I have deep expertise and I’m doing a disservice to others when I don’t tell them. Though it makes me a bit uncomfortable, here it is.
I know a little something about growing businesses that make a difference. I am a former Fortune 500 executive. I have appeared on the pages of such magazines as Fast Company, Information Week, Training & Development, Human Resource Executive, and others.
Today I spend my time with changemakers who are making an impact on the world. I host a highly rated podcast, Social Entrepreneur, which you can find on iTunes, Stitcher Radio or your favorite podcast app. And, I blog on the topics of social entrepreneurship, benefit corporations and impact investing. If you want to know more about me, you can find my journey here.
This is What’s In it For You
If you’re ready to change the world, I’m here to mentor you on your journey. I’ll provide the podcast, Social Entrepreneur, this blog, and I’m working on some other tools that I’m anxious to tell you about. When we take this journey together, you’re going to gain clarity, confidence, courage and commitment you need to change the world. You’ll learn about some of the forces that are changing the world, both good and bad. You’ll meet social entrepreneurs at various stages of startup and growth. You’ll learn about business models, the theory of change, design thinking and funding. You’ll be ready to launch and rapidly scale your business.
What Social Entrepreneurs Are Saying
How can I say that so confidently? Well, I could point to my past success, but, in times of rapid change, past success is less of a predictor of future success. More recently, I launched the podcast, Social Entrepreneur. During the first 8 weeks of its launch, Social Entrepreneur remained at the top of iTunes New & Noteworthy and it was often at the number one spot in four categories simultaneously. Since then, the number of downloads have increased at a compounded growth rate of 25% per week. Who would not want a growth curve like that? We have garnered well over 100 five-star reviews. Here are just a few samples of what others are saying:
Tony brings you not just examples, but the people behind the examples, of entrepreneurs, leaders, and change-makers who are involved in the world of entrepreneurship from a social angle. That angle is building companies that grow because they make a difference, they touch people’s lives, they uplift, address problems that matter at that deeper, heart-felt level, and create a better world.
Tony is doing a GREAT job extracting essential traits needed for companies to make way in an ever-changing landscape and be socially responsible, meaningful, fair, relevant and so much more. This is a must listen for anyone looking to make a difference and a meaningful impact in the world through business. Thanks Tony!
There is a new generation of entrepreneurs who are committed to building businesses that are not only financially viable – but also creating a more sustainable and equitable future. Tony is doing great job sharing their stories. If you want to be hopeful about the future listen to this show!
I love how Tony gets so insightful with his interviews by keeping the engagement factor very high. The topic of choice is exceptional. Tony is really impacting the choices that entrepreneurs make by inspiring them to keep it socially relevant.
I am so happy to have found this podcast as it showcases the work of some of the most amazing but totally obscure entrepreneurs. Listening to this strengthens my conviction that despite of all the trouble in the world there are ultimately people in the shadows overcoming great obstacles to solve them. I hope this becomes a mega-hit so it can inspire entrepreneurs and non-entrepreneurs alike to make a positive difference in the world
My Promise to You, The Changemaker
Here’s what I promise you. Together, you and I, we can change the world. We can live a life of significance. If you will bring your compassion and your desire to be a changemaker, I’ll help you to gain the clarity, confidence and courage to commit to your path. I cannot walk the path for you, but if you commit yourself to making a difference, I’ll be with you every step of the way.
Go and Do!
Let me warn you about waiting. You can’t wait until all of the conditions are perfect. The conditions will never be perfect. And, in fact, the worse things are, the more we need your unique voice. The conditions will never be perfect. Tell yourself the truth. You’ve been waiting for this moment all of your life.
Maybe you’ve been waiting for someone to pick you or to give you permission or to tell you that everything is going to be OK. Well, if you’ve been waiting for a sign, here it is. For reasons that I will reveal as you continue to read, this life is shorter than you think. Our time here together is a blink of an eye. When you come to the end of your life, what do you want to see? Who do you want to be? What impact do you want to make.
You picked up this blog post for a reason. It spoke to you. And now, you are at a moment of choice. You can put the post down and pretend you never read these words. But deep down inside, you know that they’re true. There’s a calling on your life, and it’s up to you to decide. Are you going to live a life of significance or a life tucked safely inside of your comfort zone? You can’t do both.
Read this blog. Listen to the podcast. Then use this one short, amazing life, and go make an impact.
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