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Executive Summary

The Founder

About Social Entrepreneur

Sponsor Benefits

Listener Demographics

Marketing Plan


How to Get Started Advertising on the Podcast

If you want to schedule time to talk about advertising on the Social Entrepreneur podcast, please click here: Get in Touch 

Executive Summary

Your Goals

  • Highlight your corporate social responsibility program and cause marketing.
  • Associate your brand with positive stories of people who create business solutions with social benefits.
  • Increase brand awareness and brand loyalty.
  • Engage and retain top talent.
  • Attract investment capital.

The Social Entrepreneur Podcast

Social Entrepreneur features changemakers who make an impact in the world. Guests talk about their successes, their failures, and what they’ve learned along the way.

Learn more about the Social Entrepreneur podcast here

Mission Statement

Social Entrepreneur exists at the intersection of profit and purpose. We tell positive stories from underrepresented voices, focused on solutions. When listeners hear stories of ordinary people, just like them who make a difference, they see themselves as changemakers. 


Tony Loyd is the Executive Producer of Social Entrepreneur. He is a TEDx speaker and best-selling author of Crazy Good Advice: 10 Lessons Learned from 150 Leading Social Entrepreneurs. Tony is a former Fortune 500 executive with extensive experience in strategic planning, talent management, and leadership development. 

You can see more about the founder here

Benefits of Sponsoring a Podcast

Attract customers, talent, and capital to your brand.

  • Customers: 66% of consumers say they prefer to buy products and services from companies that give back to society.
  • Talent: 67% prefer to work for companies with a social cause.
  • Capital: 59% of investors want to invest in companies that have a social mission.

Your company will gain exposure through weekly sponsorship spots coupled with one episode featuring a story from your corporate social responsibility program. Episodes are featured on podcast apps such as iTunes and shared with 20,000 social media followers.

Find out more about the benefits of being a podcast sponsor here


The target audience of Social Entrepreneur is affluent women between ages 25 and 44. 45% of our listeners have a net worth of more $1,000,000. 70% own their own home and 80% shop for premium brands.

Social Entrepreneur showcases those who are often overlooked by other media outlets. Two-thirds of our guests are women founders. And more than 30% of our guests are people of color. 

You can see more about the demographics of our listeners here

Marketing Plan

Social Entrepreneur builds awareness through a content marketing strategy. They create original, inspirational, solutions-focused content. They curate relevant, high-quality content. And they convene like minded changemakers to learn from one another. Last year, Social Entrepreneur grew their social media following by 356%.

See more about our marketing plan here


See more testimonials here

The Founder

As an executive with Fortune 500 companies, Tony Loyd focused on creating sustainable, profitable growth.

As he sought to resolve the dynamic tension between shareholders and other stakeholders, he set out to answer two fundamental questions:

  • To meet the needs of shareholders, do we have to sacrifice other stakeholders such as employees, the communities in which we work, and the planet on which we depend?
  • If we focus on shareholders alone, is that a sustainable business model?

Inspired by the work of mission-driven businesses, he launched Social Entrepreneur in 2015. Ranked #1 in FOUR iTunes Categories, the show has been downloaded a quarter-million times in over 180 countries. To date, he has interviewed more than 200 changemakers and is considered to be a global expert on social entrepreneurship.

Based on what he has learned, Tony published the best-selling book, Crazy Good Advice: 10 Lessons Learned from 150 Leading Social Entrepreneurs.

About Social Entrepreneur

At Social Entrepreneur, we tell positive stories from underrepresented voices, focused on solutions. In season two, we are featuring stories of an inclusive and just transition to a clean energy future. Our guests are: 

  • Underrepresented voices such as women entrepreneurs, people of color, Native Americans, LGBTQ voices, and others who don’t normally get the spotlight. The venture capitalist Arlan Hamilton refers to them as the underestimated. We highlight the true hustlers, those who have overcome the most on their journey.
  • Are working to solve big problems, tied to sustainable development goals. In the coming season, we are focused on an inclusive and just transition to a clean energy future.
  • Have a sustainable business model. We give preference to for-profit businesses. We will consider nonprofit businesses who sell a product or service to sustain their impact. 
  • Are solution-focused. Our Guests are making a lasting difference through direct action. 
We tell positive stories, from underrepresented voices, focused on solutions.

Sponsor Benefits

Highlight your corporate social responsibility program and cause marketing.

Social Entrepreneur will feature one guest of your choosing each month. We’ll note in the show notes and in the interview that you are a sponsor but otherwise the content will be distributed just like all our content.


Your advertising will be included in all podcast episodes.

  1. You will be recognized at the beginning of the podcast episode with a quick “made possible by” message.
  2. You will receive one 20 second spot at the end of each podcast.
  3. You can provide the 20 second spot or we can produce the spot using your script for Tony to read.

In addition, each post promoted on our growing social media channels will reach over 25,000 people.

Associate your brand with positive stories of people creating business solutions with social benefits

Consumers are demanding more from the brands they buy. They increasingly reward companies whose services and products are both good for them and good for society. As a sponsor of Social Entrepreneur, your changemaker efforts come to life through authentic storytelling.

Grow brand awareness and loyalty with your target customers

Millennials want to know what companies are doing to make the world a better place. Your brand is closely tied to those stories of social good. A Nielsen survey of more than 28,000 people found that two-thirds of consumers say they prefer to buy products and services from companies that have implemented programs to give back to society.

Attract, engage, and retain top talent

Your company can only grow as quickly as the people who run it. In a recent survey, 67% of Millennials stated that they prefer to work for companies with a social mission. Your social mission can help you to attract, engage, and retain your top talent.

Listener Demographics

1 %

More than half of our listeners are women. 

Age 25-44
1 %

Our listeners are between 25 and 44 years old. 

$1 Million
1 %

45% of our listeners have a net worth of more than $1,000,000.

1 %

70% of our listeners own their own home. 

Premium Shoppers
1 %

81% of our listeners shop for premium brands. 

Business News
1 %

73% of our listeners are interested in learning about business.

The target audience of Social Entrepreneur is affluent women between ages 25 and 44. 45% of our listeners have a net worth of more $1,000,000. 70% own their own home and 80% shop for premium brands.

Marketing Plan

Social Entrepreneur uses a wide range of strategies to capture listeners and to grow loyalty. In the past year alone, their following has grown by 382%. Social Entrepreneur curates relevant, high-quality content through an innovative content marketing strategy. They contribute original thought leadership with fresh content. And they convene like-minded people to learn from one another.

Marketing Funnel

The following describes the marketing funnel used to grow Social Entrepreneur’s following:

Awareness: Build awareness through word of mouth, social media and SEO.

Attraction: Attract high-quality traffic with compelling copy, relevant content (original and curated), branding, and user experience.

Interest: Gain interest with lead magnets, email lists, autoresponders, valuable emails, and live events.

Desire: Create desire though clear calls to action, a sense of urgency, and bonuses.

Engagement: Evoke action through ease of usability. Engage with listeners through email, programs, and social media.

Build the Tribe: Create community that increases value and loyalty. Create advocates and affiliates.

Mission Statement

Social Entrepreneur exists at the intersection of profit and purpose. We tell positive stories from underrepresented voices, focused on solutions. When listeners hear stories of ordinary people, just like them who make a difference, they see themselves as changemakers.


We are fortunate to have well over 100 five-star reviews on Apple Podcasts. 

Five Star Reviews

Act Today

You can access the affluent, conscious consumer audience by sponsoring the Social Entrepreneur podcast. To get started today, click the button below.